KuPassive Coin - Ticker KuPAS |
KuPassive Live Price in USD
KuPassive Current Supply
KuPassive Total and Initial Supply 20,000.00
KuPAS Total, Initial & Max Supply
KuPassive Current Circulation 17,982.71
KuPAS Current Supply & Circulation
KuPassive Total Burnt Summary 2,017.29
The Amount of KuPAS Burnt Forever
KuPassive Coin Details
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KCS - KuPAS pair and liquidity pool
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KuPAS Technical Specification
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KuPassive Coin Burning Details |
Burned KuPassive Coins (KuPAS) is collected at special KCC chain burning address with special string called vanity, which is used by big projects as standard burning account:
0x000000000000000000000000000000000000dEaD |
KuPassive Burning 2022
Month December, 2022 |
KuPAS Burnt ? |
Second Burning Anniversary! coming! We gonna cross 2000 KuPAS level burnt forever. Alleluja! Monkey never give up. :) |
Month November, 2022 |
KuPAS Burnt 158.32 |
Haloween's month is quiet good for kuPassive burning activity.
We are looking forward for next month's crossing 2000 KuPAS burning level anniversary. Splendid!
Month October, 2022 |
KuPAS Burnt 130.58 |
Autumn has came and October slowed down the amount of KuPassives gone burnt forever.
130.58 KuPAS tokens bought-back and sent to Burn Address, in total.
Month September, 2022 |
KuPAS Burnt 183.94 |
Another great month for KuPassive token.
The total amount of 183.94 KuPAS is taken out of circulation and sent to Burn Address. Marching forward!
Month August, 2022 |
KuPAS Burnt 197.61 |
Surprisingly, August is very good month when comes to KuPassive burning activity. The total amount of 197.61 KuPAS bought-back and burnt forever. Alleluja! :) |
Month July, 2022 |
KuPAS Burnt 145.43 |
Looks like hot summer is good for burning activity. 145.43 KuPAS sent to Burn Address (in total).
KuPassive team continue decreasing circulation of our cute token.
Month June, 2022 |
KuPAS Burnt 137.57 |
We do not plan to slow down with burning activity, in summer months. 137.57 KuPAS (in total) burnt forever and taken out of circulation.
Month May, 2022 |
KuPAS Burnt 129.77 |
Total amount of 129.77 KuPassive tokens sent to Burn Address in May. First Burning Anniversary! We crossed 1000 KuPAS level burnt forever. |
Month April, 2022 |
KuPAS Burnt 160.60 |
Looks like Spring's month of April is much better with total amount of 160.60 KuPassive tokens sent to Burn Address. Marching forward!
Month March, 2022 |
KuPAS Burnt 142.27 |
March provided us opportunity to burn 142.27 KuPAS (in total).
The burning events slowed down as huge part of rewards is used to feed & boost KuPassive liquidity pools.
Month February, 2022 |
KuPAS Burnt 160.23 |
Short month of February didn't slowed down the burning events. The result is 160.23 KuPAS sent to Burn Address (in total).
We crossed 500 KuPassives burnt forever level.
Month January, 2022 |
KuPAS Burnt 241.02 |
We has new burning record in the very first month of 2022. Busy initial month ended with 241.02 KuPAS (in total) sent to Burn Address. Enjoy!
KuPassive Burning 2021
Month December, 2021 |
KuPAS Burnt 180.08 |
Our one-month old KuPassive baby coin finished second burning season. We burnt astonishing amount of 180.08 KuPAS in busy Christmas and New Year season.
First Month November, 2021 |
KuPAS Burnt 8.58 |
To kick-start our KuPassive birth, KuPAS 8.58 was initially burnt (in total, not in one transaction) and
sent to KuPassive's Burn Address on KCC blockchain. |